Your Cart - Privacy Policy

1. General Information

Through its Web site, Angelakis Georgios, clothing and footwear company, which will shortly be called COMPANY, has the ability to collect the personal data that is needed by you to create an individual account on its website through which you can place orders or subscribe to the Newsletter. COMPANY is also able to collect the personal data needed to execute your order if you choose not to create an account but complete your order as a "Guest". COMPANY also has the ability to collect the personal data it needs to send you newsletters if you are not a registered customer but you have opted in to subscribe through the newsletter subscription form.
The personal data collected by the COMPANY are collected, processed, registered and stored confidentially by the Data Processing Officer, Mr Benda Andreas, in accordance with the applicable provisions on the protection of personal data in Greece (N.2472 / 97 as currently in force) and the provisions of European Law (EC 2016/679).
Personal data that may be collected will never be disclosed to third parties (except as provided by law and competent authorities and as defined in paragraph 3.3 hereof), but their personal character is preserved. COMPANY maintains electronic records with these data solely for communication, statistics, and customer service and customer management.

2. Right to access, correct, delete, and reverse the process
You have the right if you have created an account on the COMPANY's website to access, correct or delete your personal information and refuse to process your information by contacting the COMPANY Data Processing Officer at any time:

  • via e-mail (at
  • by phone from 9am to 2pm Monday through Friday (at 2431031727)

or entering your account with the username and password you provided when registering and pointing to the "GDPR Tools (Access, portability or deletion of your personal data)" menu.
If you have made an order as a visitor and want to edit your personal information you can contact the COMPANY Data Processing Officer at any time:

  • via e-mail (at
  • by phone from 9am to 2pm Monday through Friday (at 2431031727)

If you signed up for the newsletter via the registration form, you can unsubscribe at any time by clicking on the link at the end of each newsletter or requesting your cancellation by sending us an email at

If you experience problems with the above, you may contact the COMPANY Data Processing Officer using the contact details mentioned above.
Minors have access to the site only with the consent of their legal guardians or guardians.

3. Managing personal information from our company
3.1 Methods of data collection
At the time of your registration on the Site, we collect your personal information using the form provided in the "My Account" section. The COMPANY collects in this way your name, surname, phone number (s), address, postal code, city, country and e-mail address. In addition, you may be asked to provide us with additional information, such as your gender, date of birth, and your product / service preferences.
Upon completion of your information in the order form on page "Buy" and just press the "Continue" button, we collect personal information that you placed on the form as defined by the Terms of Use. In this context, we collect their name, last name, your email address, your address (delivery and billing, if different), the city, the postal code of your area and your phone (possibility of introducing two phone numbers) . If you do not complete your order, we send you a help email so that if you have encountered a problem we can help you. If you complete your order but is not delivered to you within 4 working days we will send an email and sms assistance so as to resolve any problems that have to do with the delivery of your order. When you receive your order, we are sent a thank you mail from us which may have a discount coupon and a prompt for review.
When you fill out your details on the newsletter subscription form and just hit the "Man" or "Female" button, we collect the personal information you placed on the form. In this context, we collect your email and your gender.
Finally if you have subscribed, when you wanted to find pages on the Website, the servers of the COMPANY, automatically recognize the IP address of your computer (the numerical Internet address assigned to each computer on a network. The IP address has the following format: XXX .XXX.XXX.XXX).
In the event that you do not fill out the mandatory data we will not be able to complete our transaction.
We can receive your personal information from various sources. We may collect this information when you bid on one of our fund or store, on our website, in our social networking platforms, or in some of our events. When you visit this page, we also collect some information by automated means, using technologies such as cookies, web server logs and web beacons. More about these technologies can be found on the Cookies Policy page.

3.2 Use of personal data
The personal information we collect from you every time you place an order is necessary for the overall management of your order from COMPANY and its suppliers. This includes the detection of online fraud and fraud on modern payment instruments, the prevention and management of payment (non-payment) incidents, and the maintenance of COMPANY's rights in relation to its commercial activity. The personal data of the orders are kept in our records for tax purposes for as long as the applicable tax provisions are set per case. After this time, they are automatically anonymized.
The personal information we collect from you when creating an account is necessary for your quicker service when you place an order and for your personal use as to see the orders you have placed. In addition, if you choose to subscribe to our newsletter, this data may be used to inform you about products and services provided by COMPANY and its promotions or promotions. This information is kept in our archive for 5 years unless you choose to unsubscribe via the deletion / anonymization option on your account's tools. For the deletion / anonymization of the personal data of your orders, the retention time specified in the applicable tax provisions per case should have elapsed. If you choose to unsubscribe before this time, the personal data of your orders is not deleted at this time, but they are automatically anonymized after that time.
The personal information we collect from you when you subscribe to the newsletter via the registration form is necessary to inform you by email about commercial proposals for products or services, promotions or promotional activities and kept for 5 years unless you declare your refusal the ways referred to in paragraph 2.
We have the right to process the data we have in order to interpret the use of our Site by visitors (frequency of viewing from various other websites, sales statistics and origin of visitors to our website, etc.).
The data regarding the profile of our visitors will be kept only by the COMPANY as defined by Greek law.
COMPANY will not transfer or make available in any way your personal data and information to subsidiaries, third parties and its business or business associates without prior notice to you.
In the event that the COMPANY is compelled by law or by a court order to communicate the personal data of its visitors, it will notify its visitor if this is possible (except if the Company estimates that it is not obliged to do so) .
Taking into account the level of technology related to the telecommunications sector, COMPANY can not guarantee the confidentiality and integrity of verifying the authenticity of the email that the visitor sends or receives from the COMPANY.
We may eventually use the information in other ways for which we will provide a specific alert at the time of collection.

3.3 Data recipients
All personal data is intended for use by the COMPANY. With the exception of photographs, the personal data collected from the Site may occasionally be requested by our trading partners to ensure that we address the above-mentioned purpose, as well as to identify cases of fraud involving payments and management of commercial operations organized by COMPANY or its trading partners. THE COMPANY restricts as far as possible the recipients to ensure adequate protection, in accordance with the applicable Greek and European legislation. Also, COMPANY is required to send some of your personal information to affiliated companies to send the products you have purchased to the shipping address you have registered (phone number, address and full name of the recipient), to the sms service provider to send (mobile phone) in your account or to contact you by email about your order (address, name, and other payment information). With the aforesaid affiliated companies, COMPANY has included in their contracts with them the obligation on their part to use your personal data only for the operations described above in accordance with the applicable legal provisions by the competent judicial, police and other administrative authorities.

3.4 Security and confidentiality of personal data
COMPANY has made significant efforts to take all precautionary measures to maintain the confidentiality and security of personal data and to prevent their distortion, damage, destruction and accessibility by unauthorized third parties. Technical and organizational security measures include state-of-the-art technology. However, the company can not control the risk associated with the operation of the Internet and therefore draws your attention to the potential risks associated with its use and operation.

3.5 Information collected by automated means
When you visit this page, we collect specific information by automated means, using technologies such as cookies, web server logs and web beacons.
We may use third party web analytics on this page, our social networking pages, or our mobile apps. Service providers that manage these services use technologies such as cookies, web server logs and web beacons to help us analyze how visitors are using the page. The information collected through these means (including the IP address) is disclosed to those service providers who use the information to evaluate the use of the site. More about cookies, web beacons and similar technologies as well as about using this information can be found here.

4. Information we share
We do not sell and disclose personal information we collect about you except in the cases described here. We may share your personal information with:

  • Our partners for the purposes described in the Company's Privacy Policy.
  • Service providers who provide services on our behalf under our instructions. We do not authorize these providers to use or disclose the information unless it is necessary to provide services on our behalf or to comply with legal requirements. Examples of these service providers include entities that process credit card payments, order processing, as well as the provision of network hosting and advertising services.
  • Other third parties with your consent.

Additionally, we may disclose information about you
(i) if we are required to act by law or legal process,
(ii) law enforcement or other government officials, or
(iii) when we believe that disclosure is necessary or appropriate to prevent personal injury or financial loss, or in conjunction with a search for suspected or actual fraudulent or illegal activity.
We also retain the right to transfer the personal information we have about you in the event of the sale or transfer of all or part of our business or assets. If such a sale or transfer occurs, we will use reasonable efforts to direct the assignee to use the personal information you have provided to us in a manner consistent with our Privacy Policy. After such a sale or transfer, you can contact the entity to whom your personal information will be transferred with any questions regarding the processing of this information.

5. Your rights and choices
We offer you specific choices regarding the personal information we collect from you, such as how we use the information and how we communicate with you. To update your preferences, ask us to remove your information from our mailing lists or submit a request, please contact us as set out below.

5.1 Not E-mail Opt-Out
You may at any time tell us not to send you email advertising as mentioned in paragraph 2 hereof.

5.2 Withdrawal of Consent
You may withdraw any consent you have given or object to at any time for legitimate reasons as to the processing of your personal information. We will apply your preferences within a reasonable time. In some cases, by withdrawing your consent to the use or disclosure of your personal information, it may mean that you will not be able to take advantage of any of our products or services.

5.3 Reviewing, Updating, and Modifying Personal Data
Subject to applicable law, you may have the right to request access to, and receive details of, the personal information we hold for you, to update and correct inaccuracies in your personal data, and to request that they be blocked or deleted, it depends on the situation. The right of access to personal information may in some cases be limited by the requirements of local law. You may request to revise, change or delete your personal information as described in paragraph 2.

6. How we protect personal data.
We maintain appropriate administrative, technical and physical safeguards designed to protect the personal data you provide from accidental, unlawful or unauthorized destruction, loss, alteration, access, disclosure or use. Among other things, the data is stored on a server certified according to ISO 9001: 2015, ISO 27001: 2013 and ISO 27001.

8. How to contact us
If you have any questions or comments about this, or if you would like us to update the information we have about you or your preferences, please contact our Data Processing Officer at the information at the beginning of this document.